About us
Holmberg International s.r.o. focuses on selected legal and economic areas, which are closely linked. We provide services in the areas of law, taxation, and accounting. We provide services to domestic and foreign clients, both individuals and legal entities. Our activities also include brokering property purchases abroad, especially in Austria, Germany, Italy, and Croatia. We also offer educational courses for the public.
Why choose us?
The answer is simple. We are highly specialized, we don’t do everything. We focus only on selected legal and tax areas related to domestic and foreign trade. We are constantly improving in these selected areas and can guarantee an appropriate quality of service. We do our work not out of obligation, but because we believe it is meaningful and satisfying.
Opilý policejní náměstek a institut odklonu

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Na tyto a ...další otázky dostanete odpověď v krátkém videu, které je doplněno také praktickými radami, jak danou situaci vyřešit.[+] Show More